Homehigh intensity trainingDo You Outgrow Muscle Soreness Over Time?

Do You Outgrow Muscle Soreness Over Time?

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Do You Outgrow Muscle Soreness Over Time?

So one question I often get asked is, “Do I still get sore having trained with Naturally Intense High Intensity Training protocols for the past 30 plus years?”

And it’s a really good question because with Naturally Intense High Intensity Training, you’re going all out, which means that the day after, and sometimes even for as long as a week afterwards, you can be debilitatingly sore.

And it’s a really interesting question as to whether or not soreness goes away over time.

In this video, I’m going to talk about how sore I was when I first started training and whether or not I’m still sore now having trained this way for 33 years.

Bodybuilder Kevin Richardson explains how he still gets sore with high intensity training

So stay tuned and let’s roll the credits.

So in this video, we’re talking about is it possible to outgrow muscle soreness?

Does there come a point where when you’re training at really high intensity that your body gets used to it, and you just don’t get sore anymore?

Before I go any further, I’d like to stop and take a moment to thank every single one of you for the tremendous support this channel has gotten.

Especially those who this video should be a one-stop place for anywhere, instead you’re training naturally and without supplements.

Thanks again for the support, and do be sure to like, subscribe, and hit that bell as well so you’re first in line to get the new content as it comes out.

Does Kevin Still Get Sore After a Workout?

So the question on hand is, does Kevin still get sore having trained for over 30 years with high intensity training?

And the answer is…


I still get sore

In fact, I get debilitatingly sore, ridiculously sore.

I’m in agony most of the time.

In fact, I did legs here in my home gym with my training partner, Erika, and my legs are killing me.

Training with bodybuilder Kevin Richardson and Naturally Intense trainer Erika Citrin

“Same.” – Naturally Intense Personal Trainer Erika Citrin

And it’s not just legs, it’s everything.

Back and shoulders, chest and arms.

Afterwards, everything just hurts.

Bodybuilder Kevin Richardson and Naturally Intense Trainer Erika Citrin still get sore!

Naturally Intense High Intensity Training and DOMS

And I do wish, even from my own sake, that I wasn’t as sore as I am right now from that workout I just did.

Me too.

But delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is very much a part of any form of high intensity training.

Bodybuilder Kevin Richardson's soreness increased as his muscle mass increased

And while nothing will hurt as much as your first time doing a really high intensity workout, and as you progress, your muscles get bigger and stronger and you get more acclimatized to really training hard, I think it actually gets worse.

When I first started high intensity training, I would be absolutely dreading leg day.

Your first workout is always brutal as your muscles have never trained that way before

Not too much for the workout itself, which was brutal, but the days afterwards.

But here’s the hardest part.

As I started training almost every single body part with the same determination and brutal intensity that I would bring to a leg workout, it didn’t really make a difference.

I would do a chest and arm workout and feel like a truck hit me afterwards.

And I’d be so sore after my back and shoulder workouts that the pain would be indistinguishable from the pain that I would get from a really hard leg day.

Bodybuilder Kevin Richardson in one of his high intensity signature workouts

Here’s the strange part.

I actually do look forward to that delayed onset muscle soreness.

And it even feels strange, those very rare occasions where I miss a workout that I can go a couple of days and not be sore.

Why Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness Persists Over Time

Here’s the main reason why.

Now, there’s not exactly a consensus as to why it is that we feel delayed onset muscle soreness.

And some of the theories include lactic acid, muscle spasm, connective tissue damage, inflammation, and enzyme influence.

There are only theories as to why we feel delayed onset muscle soreness

There’s theories that have been proposed to try to explain the phenomenon, but we don’t really know for sure.

But what we seem to observe is that it may actually be a combination of many of these theories all at the same time.

Eccentric Exercise Increases Muscle Soreness

We do know for a fact, however, that eccentric training and eccentric movements do exacerbate the amount of delayed onset muscle soreness you’re going to feel after a workout.

“Pushing down on the weight increases the eccentric phase of the exercise.


Naturally Intense trainer pushes down on Kevin's dumbbells to increase the eccentric phase of the exercise

Thus significantly increasing the degree of delayed onset muscle soreness.”

“You got this.” – Naturally Intense Personal Trainer Erika Citrin while training with Kevin Richardson.

Because our muscles contract in three main ways: concentrically: when you lift something. 

Bodybuilder Kevin Richardson demonstrates a concentric exercise with barbell curls

Isometrically: when you hold it in position.

Isometric contractions are when the weight is held in one position

And eccentrically, when you’re lowering it.

The eccentric movement is the lowering of weight in an exercise

Now, it’s the lowering phase when you’re lengthening the muscle that creates the most microtrauma to the muscle.

Extending eccentric contractions can increase the micro tears needed for growth in high intensity training

See Kevin’s Video on Jump Pull Ups here for another exercise that focuses on eccentric movements in training.

And in doing so, it can make you really sore.

Eccentric exercise increases delayed onset muscle soreness
How Changing Routines Makes You Sore After Training

The role of novelty in delayed onset muscle soreness

And we also have to consider the role of novelty in delayed onset muscle soreness.

And for most people, when they first start training they’re really sore, and as time goes on with conventional training, they aren’t as sore.

But with Naturally Intense High Intensity Training, every single workout is different.

Every Naturally Intense High Intensity workout is different

And there’s a huge focus on eccentric movements.


Eccentric movements stimulate the most muscle growth


And because every single workout is different, you’re always hitting your muscles from different angles, which is another key factor, something that makes you really sore.


With Naturally Intense High Intensity Training you can have 100 exercises done over 6 months

Think about someone who goes out and shovels snow in the wintertime, or someone in really great shape who goes for a hike or someone in good shape as well who tries climbing.

Now they can do all those activities, but they’re going to be really sore afterwards, not because they’re out of shape or not fit, but because the muscles aren’t used to contracting in the way it’s required to do those particular activities.

Now, because your muscles are being hit from angles they’re not used to consistently, and the fact that there’s a high eccentric component to this particular form of training, it means that most people are going to be really, really sore afterwards.


Don't be afraid to be sore with high intensity training
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness is Not a Gauge for Growth

Now, you’ll notice I said most people because not everyone is necessarily tremendously sore after these particular workouts.

And that’s important because a lot of people will use muscle soreness as a gauge as to whether or not they had a hard workout or not.


Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness is not a gauge for how hard you have trained

For example, even though I’m sore after every single workout, the degree of soreness that I’ll experience can vary tremendously.

Sometimes I’ll have a really hard workout, and I’ll really be pushing it.

And afterwards, I’m not that sore compared to what I would expect myself to be.

Other times I’ll be doing a workout, and it’s hard but it’s not necessarily my hardest workout ever.

And the next day I wake up and I can’t move.

Bodybuilder Kevin Richardson still gets delayed onset muscle soreness after 30 years of high intensity training

But do be careful to note that there is a difference between muscle soreness and muscle injury.

In the beginning, sometimes muscle soreness can be so hard that it can feel like you actually were injured.

But as time goes by, it becomes almost like an old friend, and you can clearly distinguish the difference between muscle soreness and an actual injury.

So in closing, for most of us, muscle soreness isn’t something that’s going away if you’re training at high intensities.

But it’s one of those things where it hurts, but it hurts in a good way.

So if you’ve ever gone out there and had a really high intensity workout and were really sore, and as much as it hurt the next day, it hurt in a good way, you understand exactly what I’m talking about.

So don’t be afraid to be a little bit sore.

Go out there, train hard, know I believe in you, and as always, Excelsior!

Click for a free copy!


Featured everywhere from the Wall Street Journal to CBS News, Kevin Richardson’s Naturally Intense High Intensity Training have helped hundreds lose weight and transform their bodies with his 10 Minute Workouts. One of the top natural bodybuilders of his time, Kevin is also the international fitness consultant for UNICEF and one of the top personal trainers in New York City.

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Kevin Richardson
Kevin Richardsonhttps://www.naturallyintense.net
Featured everywhere from the Wall Street Journal to CBS News, celebrity Personal Trainer NYC and with over 2.6 million readers of his blog, Kevin Richardson is the creator of Naturally Intense High Intensity Training, one of the top lifetime drug free bodybuilders of his time, the first International Fitness & Nutrition Consultant for UNICEF, 2020 and 8 Time Winner of the Best of Manhattan Awards for Personal Training and a world recognized authority on high intensity training. Kevin has helped thousands, from celebrities to CEO's over the past 30 years achieve their fitness goals with his 10 minute high-intensity workouts done just three times a week in conjunction with his holistic nutrition approach. You can learn more about about his diet and training services at www.naturallyintense.net

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