HomeexerciseHow to Get Six Pack Abs with High Intensity Training

How to Get Six Pack Abs with High Intensity Training

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Abdominal Training in High Intensity Training

Abdominal training, why does Kevin not do abdominals?

And how does Kevin’s abs look the way they do even though he doesn’t train them?

Hold on, there’s more.

This is what my abs look like now as I’m about to turn 50 years old, with 30 years of no abdominal training, no crunches, no leg raises, no sits, nothing, nada.

Just high intensity weight training, which in and of itself is a little bit unconventional because all I do is something called Naturally Intense High Intensity Training, which involves really intense workouts that are very, very short, lasting anywhere from 10, 15 to maximum 20 minutes and only three times a week.

And I don’t do any cardio whatsoever, only high intensity weight training.

Bodybuilder Kevin Richardson does not have abs from genetics only diet and high intensity training!

Now you might think that Kevin just has exceptional genetics to allow him to have really great abs no matter what, and that’s not it at all.

In this video, I’m going to talk exactly about the reason why my abs look the way they do and ensure that anyone, you included, can build really strong abdominal muscles and a fantastic looking six pack without doing any exercises after a certain point.

And put to bed the idea of genetics, because every single person who has done exactly what I have done is able to have absolutely fantastic looking abdominals even though they don’t train abs regularly.

You don't need to do abdominal exercises to have a visible six pack!

Stay tuned, I’ll talk a little more about this.

So in this video we’re talking about abdominal training, namely the fact that I don’t do any abdominal training and haven’t done any abdominal training since somewhere in the 1990s.

But before I go any further, I’d like to take the time to thank everyone for all the tremendous support, especially those who should like a one stop place for anyone who’s training naturally without steroids or supplements.

Thanks so much for tuning in, and do be sure to like, subscribe, and hit the bell as well, so you’re first in line to get new content as it comes out.

So let’s go straight into it, ’cause I know you’re a little bit curious about this one.

It’s Diet Not Training That Gives You Six Pack Abs

It’s my diet.

Diet is key in having a visible six pack abs with high intensity training

It’s nothing more than my diet.

Now, my high intensity weight training does create a lot of fat loss.

High intensity training increases visceral fat loss

But at the same time, even though it does help you lose fat, in order to get your body fat down to those lower percentage points, the only way you’re going to do that is if your diet is on point.

Abs are visible on everyone if their body fat percentage is low enough

When it comes to a six pack, here’s the thing as well, everyone already has a six pack, you just can’t always see it.

Everyone has abs but they are only visible when your body fat percentage is low enough or due to genetics

And the analogy I always use is this, imagine an underwater mountain range.

It’s a mountain range with all these mountains, but it’s underwater. And then one day the water drains out, you can see those mountains prominently.

Everyone has abs that can be seen if their body fat percentage is low enough!

The same applies to a six pack. That water in the analogy is body fat.

You have body fat over these ridges of muscles that are already there.

You get rid of the body fat and those ridges become visible.

Spot reduction does not work, visible abs come from dietary adherence

But that’s a factor of reducing body fat, which has nothing to do with a crunch or a leg raise or any abdominal exercise.

You can’t spot reduce them, and those exercises don’t do anything to actually make the fat in that area go away, that’s all diet.

But what very often happens is that many people have a bit of a cognitive dissonance, they kind of know that they’re not eating properly, they kind of know they’re not doing everything they should in terms of getting their body fat out from their diet, but it makes them feel good to go out there and do tons of ab work because then they feel like it did something.

Training abs does not equal a six pack but it can make many feel like they are making progress

That’s just not how it works.

Now, it’s not genetic, it’s not some magical ability that I have to not have body fat in my abdominal area because there actually are people, and I have had clients over the years who had a significant amount of body fat but had a six pack, which is simply a matter that genetically some people have fat distributions that allow them to have a very lean midsection.

Genetic fat distribution allows some people to have six pack abs even with a higher body fat percentage

That’s not the case with me.

How Unprocessed Foods Help You Maintain a Six Pack

When I blew up to 252 pounds when I first came to America, you couldn’t really see my abs at that point.

Bodybuilder Kevin Richardson at 252lbs with his first and only bulk attempt

I was experimenting with the whole idea of drinking protein shakes and doing the bulking up thing.

But my current diet, and the reason why my abs look the way they look, is because I eat a diet of completely unprocessed foods.

Bodybuilder Kevin Richardson only eats unprocessed foods to maintain his six pack

I have an absolutely uncompromising diet whereby I simply won’t eat anything that’s processed.

As far as what I drink, all I drink is water.

There’s no liquid calories whatsoever.

Eliminating liquid calories and drinking only water helps lower body fat

And that might sound a little bit on the extreme side for some people, but here’s the deal.

If that’s the way you’re eating, your body fat levels are always going to be on the lower side. because if you’re consuming only real natural food that’s high in fiber, there’s only so much you can eat.

I love Japanese sweet potatoes, but how many of them can I eat?

It's difficult to overeat unprocessed food and this helps keep body fat levels low for a visible six pack

I love chicken breasts, but how many can I eat?

And anybody who knows me knows I love oat bran cereal, but again, how much can you eat?

So you’re always eating exactly what you need and you’re never going over your daily caloric intake.

And if you do that, your body fat level is going to drop to a point where your abdominals are going to be visible all the time.

Which is why hunter gatherer populations or any indigenous peoples who tend to live very close to the land, tend to have exceptionally low body fat levels.

Hunter gatherer and indigenous people have exceptionally low body fat due to their unprocessed diets

And interestingly enough, a lot of them tend to have six packs, even though they never did a crunch or ever did a leg raise.

Now, it’s important to note that I’m not saying that you should not be doing abdominal exercises.

No way. That’s not the purpose of this video at all.

The reason why I’m making this video is ’cause people want to understand a little bit about the reason why I don’t do any abdominal exercises and why for some of the people who I train, I recommend that they don’t do it either.

Why Beginners Should Always Train Their Abdominals

Beginners should train abs to help build a strong foundation


But it’s my recommendation that all beginners train their abs because you need a strong foundation to start with.

See, here’s the thing, when I first started doing martial arts, I did a lot of abdominal training, and as I kept on doing more and more and more martial arts, the abdominal training I did was more and more intense, extremely intense.

How Overtraining Your Abs Increases Waist Size

And when I started bodybuilding, I always trained my abs religiously, once a week, going really hard and all out, following the very same Naturally Intense High intensity Training principles.

Bodybuilder Kevin Richardson used to train abs using his Naturally Intense high intensity training principles

But there came a time, one of my coaches pulled me aside and said that it might not be a good idea to always work my abs that hard because I have a naturally small waist and the more you work your abdominals, because your abdominals are muscles like anything else, if you’re training them really intensely, just like your biceps or your shoulders or your pecs or your legs, they’re going to grow.

If you put your abdominals through constant overload they will grow like other muscles which can create blocky abdominals

Now, having big blocky abs for some people is something that they’re looking for.

But the problem with big blocky abs is that it also makes your stomach bigger and it also makes your waist bigger, which from a natural bodybuilding perspective and the perspective of anyone who wants to have a flat looking stomach while they are wearing clothes, isn’t necessarily ideal.

Intense Weight Training Works Your Abs More Than Direct Exercises

But my concern was if I wasn’t training my abdominals religiously on a weekly basis, how am I going to make sure that they stay strong?

And his response was, there’s no way you can be lifting the weight that you’re lifting, as hard as you’re lifting them, and not working your abs any harder than it’s possible with any abdominal exercise.

Abdominals have to be engaged during high intensity weight training and therefore get stronger as well

And it’s true, if I’m doing a stiff leg deadlift with 405 pounds, it’s a lot more stimulation for your abdominal muscles than you would get from doing any body weight type exercise, like a crunch or a leg lift.

And given the fact that my abdominals are as strong as they are and continue to be exceptionally strong, there really isn’t anything in the way of an extreme abdominal exercise that I can’t do relatively effortlessly even at this point.

High Intensity Training requires strong abdominals and makes it possible to do direct abdominal exercises

And I also credit the fact that I’ve been judicious in my abdominal training over all those years, for the fact that I was able to keep my waist as small as it is.

Bodybuilder Kevin Richardson pictured here after not directly training abs since 1993
Should You Stop Training Abs or Not?

But what I want to leave you with is the whole idea when it comes to sculpting your physique, it’s not one size fits all.

First off, if you’re just starting off, it’s very important to build your abdominal strength.

Abdominal muscles should be worked as all the other muscles.

But there is a point in time where you start getting diminishing returns.

And if you’re training intensely with weights, you may actually be getting more abdominal stimulation from your weight training than your abdominal exercises.

High intensity weight training and heavy lifting require and use your ab strength

So at some point, you may want to consider whether you want to keep on training abs or not, but that’s a decision that you or perhaps you and your coach have to make.

And if you do stop training your abdominals, you can rest assured that it’s not going to affect your six pack.

High intensity weight training is a great abdominal workout

And I hope this video gives you some leeway as to whether or not you should be training abs at this point in your journey.

And of course as well, emphasizing the importance of diet when it comes to having a six pack.

It’s not what you do exercise wise, it’s really going to be about your diet.

Natural food are difficult to overeat and help you maintain six pack abs

And here’s the deal, it’s very difficult to be always on point with your diet, but you know what?

I believe in you, you can do it.

And just like any other skill, it comes with practice.

I didn’t start eating the way I did overnight. It took me years and years, decades even, to get to a point where I could eat the way I do today.

Eating unprocessed foods helps keep body fat down for visible six pack abs

But I want you to use my example as a pacesetter, because if Kevin can do it, it should be an affirmation that you can do it too, and I believe you can.

So thanks again for tuning in and as always, Excelsior!

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Featured everywhere from the Wall Street Journal to CBS News, Kevin Richardson’s Naturally Intense High Intensity Training have helped hundreds lose weight and transform their bodies with his 10 Minute Workouts. One of the top natural bodybuilders of his time, Kevin is also the international fitness consultant for UNICEF and one of the top personal trainers in New York City.

Kevin Richardson
Kevin Richardsonhttps://www.naturallyintense.net
Featured everywhere from the Wall Street Journal to CBS News, celebrity Personal Trainer NYC and with over 2.6 million readers of his blog, Kevin Richardson is the creator of Naturally Intense High Intensity Training, one of the top lifetime drug free bodybuilders of his time, the first International Fitness & Nutrition Consultant for UNICEF, 2020 and 8 Time Winner of the Best of Manhattan Awards for Personal Training and a world recognized authority on high intensity training. Kevin has helped thousands, from celebrities to CEO's over the past 30 years achieve their fitness goals with his 10 minute high-intensity workouts done just three times a week in conjunction with his holistic nutrition approach. You can learn more about about his diet and training services at www.naturallyintense.net

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