Why Is It Hard To See Your Progress? Body Dysmorphia And Negative Self Image
Transcript of the video below:
Is it possible to lose 100 pounds
and still feel fat?
Is it possible to go from being someone
who’s slightly overweight to a champion bodybuilder
and still feel like you’re fat?
Is it possible to be six feet tall, 125 pounds,
and become a champion natural bodybuilder
and still feel like you’re skinny?
The answer to all of these is a resounding yes.
And in this video, I’m going to talk a little bit
about something that we don’t talk about very much,
which is how a negative self-image
is very often the catalyst, the driving force
that pushes us to do things like lose weight,
to do things like transform our body, build muscle.
But that, unless somewhere along the line,
we learn to develop a positive self-image
and learn to allow ourselves to be driven
not by forces of discontent with how we look,
but of self-acceptance,
that we ultimately can end up sabotaging
any progress that we make.
In this video, I’m going to talk about
how people can really sabotage their progress
if they don’t learn to see themselves
and see their progress.
I’m also going to talk about what you can do
to help yourself see your progress
and share a little bit about my journey as well
because I’m that skinny kid who was 125 pounds
and was competing as a bodybuilder decades later
and still feeling like a skinny kid.
And I’m also the one who’s trained people
who’ve lost over 100 pounds
and seen them lose all of their gains
because they were unable to see themselves
as they really were.
We’ll talk a little bit more about this.
And thanks for tuning in.
Hi, thank you so much for tuning in.
I am Kevin Richardson.
Personal trainer, natural bodybuilder, nutritionist,
and I’m really happy that you took the time to tune in.
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that we’ve had so far to these videos.
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because I’m always happy to hear from you.
So today we’re talking about self-image,
and self-image is a very personal topic
because it’s one that affects
and affected not just my clients,
but affected me personally.
And I think that as we go along in this video,
we will talk about the biological basis
for why it is that we suffer so much
by not being able to see our progress, why that is.
Why is it so hard for us to see our progress?
And we’ll talk also about how important it is
to see our progress, because if we don’t,
we tend to make bad decisions
that over time, can undo all that we’ve done.
The Tragic Story Of A Client Who Lost Over 100lbs But Couldn’t See Any Progress
I’m going to start with a very sad example
and I will term it and phrase it
as my first great personal training accomplishment,
and my first great personal training failure.
And that particular case
is the case of a former client of mine,
one of my first clients in my second year
as a personal trainer,
who we will call Mr. A,
who lost 103 pounds training with me.
Now, a little background about my particular training style.
It’s high intensity training three times a week,
and the workouts lasts
anywhere between 10, 15 minutes, that’s it.
No cardio, everything with regard to weight loss
is a combination of those three high intensity workouts
and dietary instruction that’s given directly
from me, to my clients.
Now, today, I’ve had the privilege,
the honor, and the blessing
of having worked with dozens of people
who’ve lost over 50 pounds.
And I would probably say somewhere about
six or seven, who’ve lost 100 pounds over the past 30 years.
But the first one was a complete surprise to me.
I had no idea that my training style
was going be something that could help somebody
lose that much weight.
I was a teenager, I was maybe 18 years old
when I first started treating Mr. A
and I did see that there was some potential
for weight loss with my training style
because I had my first client
who had lost some weight with it,
but he was one of those perfect clients.
People who do everything you tell them to do.
I gave him a dietary guide, he followed it to the T.
We had three sessions a week,
he showed up at every single session.
As he kept on going,
he kept on losing more and more weight.
And the more weight he lost,
the happier he seemed to become.
Now, Mr. A was a very eloquent and loquacious man,
middle-aged, always talking,
and really the type of person who fills a room
with his presence.
And as he lost more and more weight,
he became so much more animated, so much more vocal.
He would literally end up being
one of my greatest ambassadors
because he would stop everyone that he could
before his workouts, to tell them how much progress he had made,
to talk about how fantastic the whole training program was,
and how happy he was with his accomplishment.
Really and truly, a joy to see someone
transform in front of my eyes.
And over the course of about 13, 14 months,
he had lost 103 pounds.
And every once in a while,
he would even bring in his old pants
to show just how big he was.
It was remarkable, I mean, truly remarkable.
And I had never, as a young trainer,
seen any type of weight loss like that first hand.
It was the first time I’d ever seen anybody
undergo such a remarkable transformation.
And I was so happy, I really was so happy
for myself, as far as being able to have helped him,
and also for Mr. A.
I really felt so proud of him,
what he had accomplished, of what he had done.
But then something curious happened.
The normally gregarious, Mr. A became quiet,
he’d come to the gym,
and he wouldn’t say as much as he would before.
He stopped talking about his accomplishment,
and I would ask him what was wrong,
and he would say everything was fine.
Until one day, he very abruptly said
that he felt like he hadn’t lost any weight whatsoever.
And that it had all been for nothing.
Now, I’ve had the honor as well
of spending a good 17 years of my life, my adult life,
working in social services during which period of time
I was really privileged as well to have learned so much
in terms of clinical psychology and working with individuals
in terms of mental health issues,
and also issues like body image.
But at the time I’m an 18, maybe 19 year old teenager.
I have no idea why it is and how it could be
that Mr. A, who had lost over 100 pounds,
couldn’t see that he had lost any weight at all.
He really felt like he hadn’t achieved anything.
And it was puzzling, it was disconcerting,
it was disturbing to me.
It literally kept me up at night
because I would really feel,
not just a matter of confused, but I was worried about him,
I was really worried about Mr. A.
And sure enough, he started missing workouts,
which wasn’t like him.
Then he started
eating off his diet and it was at that point
that I came here to the United States
and I never saw Mr. M, Mr. A, sorry, again.
But I kept in touch with people who were good friends of his
and they said that he, within the course
of a couple of months after my departure,
put all the weight back on.
Now, anyone who knows me knows that I pride myself,
not on being a weight loss specialist.
I pride myself on being the person that helps people
lose weight and keep the weight off
by teaching them life lessons
that’ll allow them to sustainably keep their weight off.
And here I was having had this client
who had lost so much weight and put it all back on,
probably even a little bit more than he initially had,
and I felt like I failed him, and I did fail him.
And I realized that I needed to incorporate
a lot more in terms of self-awareness and self-image
when working with my clients,
not just focus on the physical.
With Mr. A, I was spot on with all the physical parts,
his diet, making the tweaks in his diet as he went along,
his training, making sure the intensity was just enough
to help him both build muscle
and lose body fat at the same time.
But we never spoke about the psychological implications
of what it is to transform.
And after Mr. A, I really began to look into it,
not just for my other clients, but also for myself.
So with my clients, I could clearly see that
if you weren’t able to see the progress that you made,
you’re much more likely to become frustrated
for all that work you did,
and then undo everything that you did.
Kevin’s Struggle With Body Dysmorphia As A Bodybuilder
The understanding of why it is that self-image
was so difficult to see when there’s a change in our bodies
became really personal because Mr. A helped me reflect
a little bit more on my own dissonance between who I was,
how I looked, and how I felt.
You see, at the time when I was probably about,
let’s say 20 years old,
I had already been competing
in my native Trinidad and Tobago as a bodybuilder.
I was able to hold my own on stage with bodybuilders.
I started bodybuilding at 125 pounds, six feet tall,
and I competed at 198 pounds right before I left Trinidad.
So that’s a pretty big difference, 125 pounds to 198 pounds.
And yet, if I was honest with myself,
I would have to say that I didn’t really see
a change in my body.
I felt very, very much, and I know this sounds crazy because
it in some ways is, a little bit,
I almost saw the body that I had
as this kind of abstract transient thing
that wasn’t really me.
That what was really me was a skinny kid
and that what I saw in the mirror really didn’t reflect
what I really looked like.
Now, I would go on to compete here in United States
very successfully, as a natural bodybuilder, again.
Competing at really high natural bodybuilding levels
and years went on.
I got even into my thirties,
I made a natural bodybuilding DVD,
and I was still struggling
with not seeing myself as a skinny kid.
But I was working all during that time
to be able to see myself as I was
because I understood how dangerous it was
for me to be where I was.
It wasn’t healthy for me just to keep on thinking,
“Well, I’m a skinny kid.
I’ll never have big muscular arms.
I’ll never have a really built physique.”
That handicap that I felt I started off with, being skinny,
being not really a big person, was one of the driving forces
to make me become a bodybuilder.
But as I went on, I could clearly see
from the examples of other bodybuilders around me,
who I worked with,
that this negativity, even though it’s really
almost ubiquitous in the bodybuilding world,
this sense that we’re not good enough,
that we need to get better, that we’re this skinny person,
or we’re this overweight person
and that we need to transform ourselves,
and no matter how much you transform
it’s never good enough because we can’t really see it.
Others can, we can collect trophies,
we can be on magazines, covers, sorry.
We can be in videos, we can be all over Instagram,
we can be very, very popular,
we can have thousands of people comment
on how fantastic we look,
but it just,
it tends to be hard for a lot of us in this field
to see ourselves that way.
The Surprisingly High Rate Of Skewered Self Image In Bodybuilding And It’s Negative Effects
What I saw, especially in the natural bodybuilding world
was that a lot of natural bodybuilders
who were competing at the highest level
had that same discord between what they looked like
and how they saw themselves.
And what I saw as well was the ones who were really unable
to see themselves the way they were,
were the ones who were the most tortured, yes,
but also the ones who ended up eventually
using anabolic steroids,
abandoning the path of natural body building completely
because they needed to be more.
They felt that they weren’t good enough
and they felt that all that they had accomplished
didn’t amount to anything.
And again, these are some of the top natural bodybuilders
of all time, some of them.
And they had remarkable physiques, they looked fantastic,
but they weren’t happy, number one,
and they never really enjoyed their physicality
because they didn’t see themselves that way.
And I
was self-aware enough
and I thank Mr. A’s experience for really focusing me
on trying to not fall into that trap.
And trying to learn how not to be part of that movement
of people in the fitness industry
who look fantastic on the outside,
but don’t feel fantastic on the inside,
and so over time, tend to sabotage themselves,
tend to do really unhealthy things
either to undo what they’ve accomplished
or to do extreme things like use drugs
because they don’t feel like they’re good enough.
I didn’t want to have to deal with any of that.
I didn’t want to go down that path.
I also wanted to be at peace.
And I also, very importantly,
wanted to be somebody who was not hypocritical,
telling my clients how important it was
to have a positive self-image
when I didn’t really have one myself.
I had to put the work in, from the way I saw it,
to do my utmost to come to some sense of equilibrium
with who I was on the outside and who I was on the inside.
How Not Seeing Your Progress Can Easily Make You Undo Your Progress
And my personal training work really helped me as well
understand how important it was
that we talk about that particular topic.
Because what would tend to happen with most of my clients,
and I don’t say some, I say most,
at some point, they’re working really, really hard,
they’re doing really, really, really well
and they have a bad day.
For some, it’s a bad day, for some it’s a bad week,
some it’s bad days and they keep on happening,
they keep on having from time to time.
And during those bad days,
they feel like they didn’t do much of anything.
They look in the mirror and they feel like, you know,
they may have lost 50 pounds, they don’t see it.
They may have transformed their bodies
and really have a perfect, sleek, tight, toned physique,
just the way they wanted it,
but that day, they didn’t feel that way.
They may have been getting ready for a bodybuilding,
bikini, figure, or a fitness competition,
and they just have that feeling,
even though they’re in really great shape,
that they were totally out of shape,
not a little out of shape, but totally out of shape.
And I became really good at helping people
walk their way through that feeling
and make them understand that it’s a feeling.
It’s how you feel about that image
in the mirror that you’re seeing.
And whenever I would work with someone going through
that period of “I’m not good enough,
I don’t feel like I did anything, I feel like a failure,
I feel like a fraud, I feel like an impostor,
I feel like I didn’t put any work in at all,
I feel like I made no progress whatsoever,”
whenever I work with someone who is having those feelings,
they became priorities because I knew what happens
if it’s not addressed.
If you keep on thinking that all that work you put in,
all of the years, sometimes, of work you put in
didn’t really amount to anything, if you dwell on it,
you would self-sabotage, you will undo it.
You will say, “Well, I ate healthy for all these months
and I don’t really feel like I did much of anything.
I’m going to eat unhealthy.
Forget it, screw it, I’m going to go off my diet.
I’m not going to go to the gym, I’m not going to go work out,
I’m not going to show up for my appointments.”
It’s what tends to happen.
It’s a very common thing that happens
and it’s important to have someone
when you’re standing on that ledge
thinking that all that you’ve done
hasn’t amounted to anything,
that someone is there to kind of nudge you along.
Now it’s not something spoken about
much in the fitness industry at all.
It’s almost a taboo subject.
In fact, you might be surprised just how many
of your favorite fitness personalities
who probably, in their private moments,
struggle with their self-image.
And I know this for a fact because I know a lot of them
and I’ve had a lot of the same conversations
with some of the top fitness names on the planet,
as I have with some of my clients who lost 10 pounds
and felt like they didn’t achieve anything.
The same conversation.
I have the same conversation
with someone who’s lost 20 pounds, 30 pounds,
and feel like they didn’t do anything
as I do with someone who is arguably among some of the top
or considered to be among some of the top
bodies on the planet.
So that leads to a very important point,
which is if you ever feel
that all that you did is for nothing,
and what you see in the mirror
doesn’t reflect all the work you did,
and you feel like it’s all worthless,
it’s important to understand that that’s very much normal.
There’s nothing wrong with you.
And that a lot of people, in fact,
more people than you would imagine,
feel exactly the same way.
It’s extremely common.
And here’s my working hypothesis as to why that is.
An Evolutionary Hypothesis That Explains Why It’s Difficult To See Our Body Transformations
Now, diet-wise, everything that I
talk about and put forward in terms of nutrition
is usually based on evolutionary biology.
And I feel that evolutionary biology also has a place
in the psychology of how we as humans see ourselves
and how we deal with something
as novel as body transformation.
So on a dietary point of view, if you eat something
that’s, let’s say, a modern processed food,
I’ll throw one out for example.
Let’s say you’re eating something horrible
like, let’s say some heavily processed sugary cereals.
Now eating some of those cold sugar cereals
is akin to putting something into your body
that over the past 2.2 million years
of our time on the planet, never existed in the human diet.
And so because of that discord, again,
between how humans and our human ancestors have been eating
shaped by our environment that shaped our bodies,
if we eat outside of those particular parameters
and introduce new and novel foods into our diet,
very often, those novel foods can have some
pretty negative side effects
because our bodies aren’t adapted to work with them.
Our bodies are designed to consume carbohydrates
that are naturally high in bulk, high in fiber,
tend to be also of a particular quantity
that you do not get that much of it at one point in time.
So by eating a box of sugary cereal,
your body’s getting more calories
than it normally would at one point, that’s number one,
it is getting simple sugars in quantities
and at speed of quicker delivery to your blood
that is not something that would ever happen
under natural circumstances, and all that sugar coming in
is coming in with the absence of fiber.
Now, because of that discrepancy between
what our bodies are built to take in,
which is carbohydrates that are high in fiber,
low in sugars, high in bulk,
compared to a processed food, which is low in fiber,
high in calories, high in sugar.
And again, the zero fiber is a problem as well,
which also makes it easier to eat a lot of it.
There are consequences.
There are consequences in terms of how our insulin
levels rise unnaturally as a result of eating such a food.
There are consequences in terms of how it can, over time,
really create an environment for fat deposits.
Really high insulin levels, your body has no idea
why it is that you have so many calories,
so much sugars coming in at one point in time,
so your body says, “All right, we don’t know what to do
with all this coming in, store it.
How do we store it?
And we can see a clear connection between certain foods,
especially processed foods,
which tend to create not just fat storage,
but fat storage in places
where normally humans do not tend to store fat.
It is called visceral abdominal fat.
That is the fat that’s stored around your organs
that creates that stomach that is so much a ubiquitous
part of modern living for most people past a certain age.
And it’s not natural.
It’s a result of us doing something that’s not natural.
It’s eating not natural foods
because our bodies aren’t adapted to it.
Now, how does that have to do with self-image?
It’s the same thing.
If we consider the fact that homo sapiens have been
the product of those millions of years of evolution,
and evolution is simply the progression of a species
shaped by the environment to survive in that environment
in order to get to the point where the species
can reproduce successfully.
So because of that, there are a lot of things
that are innately human that don’t necessarily line up
with what we would probably call objective reality.
See, objective reality is how the universe actually is.
And none of us can see objective reality.
We see reality through the lens of a body, a creature,
a species that’s designed to survive
in a very concrete world.
We don’t see quarks, we don’t see atoms,
we don’t see the effects of quantum physics
in our everyday lives.
All of those things are millions of miles
away from our consciousness.
We can understand intellectually, some of us can,
but it’s not something that we think about in regular life.
In regular life, what we see is what there is,
and that’s pretty much all there is to it.
And that’s all shaped by evolution.
is very much a process for creating beings
that are really good at survival,
but it’s not a process designed to create beings
that are perfect.
We’re not perfect, and when I say perfect,
it means there are things about us that are lacking
in terms of even weight loss.
For all those millions of years,
obesity was never part of our makeup.
Body transformation was not really something that happened.
The transformation would happen around puberty
where you went from being a child to an adult,
male or female,
and that’s it.
There’d be some hormonal changes
that would change your body radically,
but the person that you were in puberty
was the person that you would see yourself becoming
and your late adolescent self would be the image
that you would develop of yourself
for the rest of your life.
And if you look at cultures that are very much traditional,
hunter-gatherer cultures, for example,
the older men and the older woman
don’t look that much different.
There’s the gray hair and the wrinkles, yes, but physically,
there’s not that much of a change
in terms of body composition,
the way there is here in developed countries.
No one gets fat and no one loses a lot of fat.
It doesn’t happen naturally
because under natural circumstances,
the foods that we eat do not create situations
where we can end up being overweight.
It just doesn’t happen.
And so we’re not, from an evolutionary point of view,
designed to detect and deal with
those changes in our bodies.
There’s nothing that you can think of,
from an evolutionary point of view,
that would be beneficial for us as humans
to have developed over millions of years
to say, “Well, I used to weigh this much,
now I weigh this much,
and so I’m going to see myself differently as I change.”
It never happened because, arguably,
one could say that before the 20th century,
the very idea of body transformation
was probably a really, really rare occurrence
given how much food people had access to,
given the type of food people had access to.
In most parts of the world,
it just simply didn’t happen.
This is a very new phenomenon.
It’s novel, body transformation is new.
And just like the new novel foods
that our body is going to go crazy with,
it’s the same with our ways of thinking.
We can’t process it.
We can’t figure out why is there this discrepancy
between how I see myself and what I know,
somewhere in the back of my mind, I look like.
It’s the same thing.
We’re not designed to see it.
How We Can Overcome Body Image Issues Through Cognitive Awareness
Just knowing this, just having that cognitive awareness
of the fact that we are not designed
to see the changes in our body, in itself sparks something.
Because unlike other animals,
we can do more than simply be shaped
by our evolutionary environment.
We can develop our own ideas,
we can develop our own ways of thinking
because we are essentially learning machines.
We can learn to see ourselves
when there’s a body composition change,
but it’s something we have to actively work at,
we have to think about it, we have to reflect about it.
We can’t be on autopilot.
Autopilot is usually going be
whatever body and physique you had during your adolescence
to late adolescence, is the body and physique
you’ll always think you have for the rest of your life.
That’s default.
If you’re going to change your body,
be it weight loss, weight gain,
be it putting on muscle, be it losing pounds of body fat,
you have to do some true work with your self awareness.
If you lose five pounds,
no matter how much you write it down,
I wrote down every single pound I put on.
I wrote down the measurements of my biceps as I went along,
I wrote down the circumference
of my thighs, my calves, my neck.
I had all these numbers written down that could clearly show
that I was no longer 125 pounds
and I was no longer the skinny kid with 12 inch arms.
It was there intellectually, but emotionally, it wasn’t.
One of the things that helped me was the understanding
that there is this cognitive dissonance that goes on
because of the fact that who we are
and how we see ourselves
is really formed during our adolescence
and it’s really hard not to see yourself that way,
very, very hard.
But if you don’t start seeing yourself as you are,
you risk undoing all that you’ve done.
And even more importantly,
you risk not enjoying, benefiting and being at peace
with the accomplishment that you’ve achieved.
If you’ve worked to achieve excellence,
and excellence is not meaning the best body on the planet,
that’s not excellence.
Excellence is you work to be a better you.
That work is important, that work is sacred.
That progress is sacred.
You have to start thinking of yourself that way.
When you have a bad day,
you have to be able to understand that having a bad day
is not the time to look in the mirror
and make a judgment call
as to whether or not your diet is being,
is successful or not.
It’s not the time to figure out
whether it’s the time to change your workout.
It’s not the time to figure out
whether you need to be doing more or less.
It’s not the time.
It’s the time to step back.
The same way we say, “When you’re really hungry,
don’t go shopping”
because you’re going to pick up the wrong foods.
Common sense.
Same with body image.
If you are having a bad day
and don’t really feel that good about yourself,
that’s not the time to make any decisions
as to what you’re going to do next
when it comes to your fitness.
Very, very important.
Because again, when we look in the mirror,
what we see isn’t objective reality.
Evolution doesn’t need us to see objective reality.
It doesn’t need us to see the photons coming back and forth.
It doesn’t need us to understand
that we’re a collection of cells that are turning over.
It doesn’t need us to understand visually that we are
looking at anything, but a collection of our memories,
our experiences, and this interface that we’ve gotten
used to using to perceive ourselves.
Looking in the mirror is seeing how you feel about yourself
more than anything else, and that’s important.
What you see is how you feel.
Eat some junk food when you’re in the best shape possible,
go in front of the mirror,
you’re not going to feel that you look that great
because in the back of your head, you did something,
so you feel, “Oh, it must affect the way I look.”
That’s not what’s really happening.
It’s important to see that.
It’s really important to be able to reset
and just keep on going, keep on going.
Things get better.
If you keep on going, things always get better.
If you stay long enough, stay the course.
Keep exercising, keep eating properly.
You’re going to have a good day.
When you have a good day
and you feel like you can really see,
“Hey, I made these gains.
Hey, I made this progress,”
that’s the time you make decisions,
not the times when you’re in a bad place.
Because there’s also something very insidious
about being human, and that the fact that our bodies,
like everything else in nature,
does everything to resist change.
Our bodies don’t want to change.
Our bodies want to stay the same.
And so it works with our mind
because our bodies and our minds at the same thing,
more or less, to try to make us revert
to whatever it believes is our default state.
I don’t have any hair.
When I dream, in my dreams, I have hair.
Kind of strange, but not really,
because for most of my life, I’m 47 years old,
I shaved my head somewhere in my early forties.
For 40-something years, I had hair.
So when I close my eyes
and I see a dream state version of myself, Kevin has hair.
Am I going to work on trying to see myself
in a dream state with no hair?
Probably not, but for a very long time,
when I closed my eyes and had a dream about myself,
I didn’t always see the muscles.
I did work to make sure that when I close my eyes
and see myself, I see myself as I am today,
not as how I was.
And what propels me today to keep on
reaching for excellence and training hard
and trying to be better
isn’t the desire to overcome some insecurity,
isn’t the desire to overcome some perceived handicap,
isn’t the desire to not be that skinny kid anymore,
it’s the desire to be the best me I can be today,
a little better tomorrow, because I enjoy the process.
It’s very much process-oriented.
So that’s important.
We have to get out of our heads
because being in our heads can be dangerous.
It can make us think that “screw it,
everything I’ve done is not worth it.”
It is.
It’s also worth it for you not to be tortured
and feel that the person who you were when you were younger
is the person who you are now.
That’s not going to change unless you do something about it.
There’s an old saying in Latin,
“Caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt”
which translates as those who cross the seas
change their skies, not their spirits.
Same thing happens when you transform your body,
regardless of whether it’s a transformation of weight loss
or muscle gain, it doesn’t matter, you’re the same person
unless you do something to change the way you see yourself.
So work on that positivity.
And I really and truly hope
that me sharing this in this video helps you realize
that if you’ve had that particular feeling,
that you’re not alone.
It’s important that we talk about these things,
and for a lot of us,
we don’t want to talk about them because it takes away that,
you know, veneer and facade
of the person who is always in control, always positive
that’s just so prevalent in the fitness industry,
and honestly, it’s a little bit sad
because nothing is black and white.
There’s a lot of grays.
There are a lot of different colors that we have to see.
I really and truly hope this video helps
you in your personal journey.
And I really and truly hope
that you like and subscribe to the channel
and stay tuned because we will be putting in
more content on a regular basis.
I really and truly appreciate your tuning in,
and I hope to see you soon.
So keep that self-image positive and Excelsior!
See the full video here-
Why Is It Hard To See Your Progress? My Experiences with Body Transformation & Self Image Issues
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