Online Personal Training And Diet Coaching with Trainer Kevin Richardson and his team.
“Confinement and the ability to get my workouts in with Kevin regularly and stay in touch with him regarding my diet has yielded the best results I have had in a very long time! Highly recommended!”
8 Year Client Testimonial
“With everything going on I was thinking the stay-at-home-workouts without any weights or equipment wouldn’t be much of anything but I am really enjoying them!”
3 Year Client Testimonial
“I was expecting the online training to be less than what I was getting in the gym, and I am surprised at how effective the workout was!”
5 Year Client Testimonial
“These workouts are the highlight of my day and I am super sore from the last one!”
4 Year Client Testimonial
Note that because of increased international demand for our services, we have added some extra appointment times. If available slots are filled and you are not able to find a time that works for you, send us a message and we will see what we can do! Hurry as training slots fill up fast!
Monday-Friday 7 am- 8 pm
Saturday 9 am – 2 pm